We are Committed to Privacy

This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices of Sorted Digital, (owner of the brand Sorted) for the website located at https://www.sorted.digital(the “Site”), related services, and Email communication to connect@sorted.digital domains, and other websites on the subdomain of www.sorted.digital, and its corporate affiliates (collectively, the “Service”).

Protecting your privacy is our top priority at Sorted. Through this privacy policy, we aim to explain the ways in which your personal and business information is collected, used and protected at Sorted. This privacy policy is a part of our Terms of Use.

By visiting the website of Sorted, we take it as consent to collect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and also take it as acceptance from your end. we assure you that we do not sell, rent, transfer your information to any third party in any way than what is stated in the Privacy Policy.

You must understand that our services may be associated with certain other third parties as well, and the conditions and privacy like online storage services and payment providers, and you agree that Sorted is not responsible for any such third party terms and conditions and their use of any of your information. This policy is strict with the use of information collected by Sorted.

What information do we collect?

On our website, we collect two types of information:

  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as Name, Email Id, Phone No and Company Name.

  2.  Non-PII which doesn’t reveal the identity of the visitor on our site. This includes :

IP Addresses

Sorted automatically tracks your IP addresses. Your IP addresses are registered for statistical purposes and in order to improve our advertising and layout of our Website.

Correspondence Information 

If you send us any personal correspondence, or any third parties send us any form of information about your postings, the information may get stored on our servers.

Payment Information

We do not collect any credit card information to protect you against any unauthorized transactions. claims and other liabilities. We allow third-party vendors to collect information for the purpose of collecting the fee from our customers on our website. We do not have any access to the payment information that you provide to our third party vendors and all this information provided is subject to the privacy policy and the terms and conditions of the third party vendor. For more information, you may want to read the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of our payment service providers.

How will we use the information we collect?

  • The information we collect on our website will only be used by us to provide the requested information to the user or to update the user about our products and services.

How is the information stored?

Your information is saved in our database in order to improve our use and website experience. Sorted is an Indian company and if you choose to furnish any form of information to our servers. Since India doesn’t have a similar policy as present in other countries, we will protect it in a manner disclosed in our Privacy Policy. By visiting our website and providing us with your information, you understand and consent to this privacy policy. Your information may be transferred, processed and stored in India.

How your information is protected

You agree that Sorted and its associated companies may use the Information for marketing and promotional purposes.

  • All our employees, independent contractors, and agents have executed non-disclosure agreements, which provide explicit confidentiality protections. Any employee, independent contractor or agent who violates such privacy and/or security policies is subject to possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

  • We do not make any of your Information available to third parties for their marketing purposes. No data given or collected is shared with other social media platforms.

  • If however, we share your Business Information with third parties, we will notify you. Please note that no transmission over the internet can guarantee confidentiality and non-disclosure, and as such, you transmit at your own risk.

  • We use robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and help ensure the appropriate use of data. When the Services are accessed using the internet, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology protects your Information, using both server authentication and data encryption. These technologies help ensure that your Information is safe, secure, and only available to you and to whom you have granted access.

  • We do not tolerate Spam. To report Sorted related spam, please contact us at connect@sorted.digital. You may not use our communication tools to send spam or otherwise send content that would violate our terms of use. We may check for spam, viruses, phishing attacks, and other malicious activity or illegal or prohibited content of the Website, but we will not permanently store messages sent through these tools.

  • Sorted does its utmost to secure communications and data storage in order to protect the confidentiality of your Information against loss and interception by third parties. However, it is important to know that there is no zero-risk against loss or interception by others of your Information. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your Account’s username and password.

Cookies Policy 

Sorted uses cookies to give you a great browsing experience. Whenever you visit our website, our server sends a cookie to your device in order to determine your location and use an appropriate language for you. You are free to delete these cookies at any time.  Cookies do not have the capacity to personally identify an individual and they can at the most merely identify the web browser. Unless an individual chooses to identify himself by opening an account or entering login information, the user will remain anonymous to us.

Legal Requests

We comply with all legal requirements and co-operate with law enforcement agencies as well as third parties to enforce laws, safeguard intellectual property rights and prevent fraud. If we are furnished with a legal order by any governmental or law enforcement agency, we shall disclose your name, e-mail address and website usage history, on your authorization, with or without a legal order. We will not disclose any of your other information to any agency without a court order except when it becomes necessary for any safety, security or a similar concern. 

Disclosure of information to any third party

We will not share your information to any third party without prior consent from you.


By using our Website, you consent to the collection and use of your Information as described in this Privacy Policy and our terms of use. 

Third Party Links

Our website may contain links to other websites which are not owned or controlled by us. We bear no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these third-party sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our Website to read the privacy policies of each and every website that collects personal information. This privacy policy applies only to information collected by this Website.


If our Privacy Policy procedures change, we will post those changes immediately to our Website. Any such changes will be effective immediately from the time they are posted unless otherwise stated in the change provision. An email notification will be sent to the users who request it.

Your Rights

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR), you possess a number of rights in relation to your Personal Data. You have right to access your personal information from the website for any purpose. You can get and reuse your personal information across any services at any time. Whereas you have provided us with consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. To reiterate, you can do this at any time by contacting us directly at connect@sorted.digital

How to modify the information or opt-out of updates?

  • You may use the following options for removing your information from our email database if you wish to opt out of receiving promotional emails and newsletters.

  • Click on the “unsubscribe” link on the bottom of the email.

  • Email is at connect@sorted.digital

  • Send mail to the following postal address letting us know which promotional emails you wish to opt-out of:
    Sorted digital, Office No 501, Aquarius Towers, 21st Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400050

Other Terms & Conditions 

  • Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable, students can reach out to connect@sorted.digital with payment details & class obtained for necessary clarifications.

  • All SORTED sessions are prepaid & non-refundable.

  • Any pre recorded masterclass bought will be available for a maximum of 90 days on your login. In any case, this cannot be extended.

  • One can book any master class in advance up to 24 hours prior to the shedule. 

  • SORTED monthly calendar is subject to change as per availability of trainer.

  • SORTED reserves the right to reschedule any session with prior intimation to signed up students.

  • Video course subscription is paid & will be available for a limited time only

  • Payment related issues will be addressed at connect@sorted.digital

  • Classes cannot be filmed or otherwise recorded in any way without the permission (in writing) from admin of SORTED

  • SORTED may use film or still photographs of students for promotional purposes

  • SORTED strictly adheres to the published age limits for courses but reserves the right to accept students who are slightly younger than the advertised minimum age. Applications from students outside the published age limits are treated on a case by case basis

  • SORTED reserves the right to change teachers at any time during the course to maintain teaching standards & quality

  • The website is subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction

  • While using the site to communicate with SORTED, one shall communicate with his/her registered mobile/telephone number & email address. Thereby, an individual agrees to receive communication from SORTED on his/her registered mobile/telephone number & email address

  • Notwithstanding whether one’s mobile/telephone number is registered with NDNC or NCPR or DND or Telecom Regulatory Authority of India [TRAI] restrictions/guidelines on unsolicited telecalls, by you accessing this Site and applying/enquiring/verifying any of the products/services offered by SORTED and or you making a request to call back, it is deemed that you have expressly authorized SORTED to call back or send you text messages or messages through Chatbots for solicitation and procurement of various products and services of SORTED. In case if you may not wish to receive any calls/messages, you are obliged to proactively inform SORTED about the same by sending an email on connect@sorted.digital  One can always unsubscribe if he/she doesn’t wish to receive emails from us

While using this Site, you agree NOT to, by any means indulge in illegal or unauthorized activities including but not limited to –

  • Use the Site for unlawful purposes

  • Collect information about the users without their express consent

  • Engage in spamming or flooding

  • Transmit any software or other materials that contain any virus or other harmful or disruptive component

  • Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in the Site

  • Copy, mirror any part of the Site without our prior permission

  • Permit or help anyone without access to use the Site through your username and password, if any or otherwise; and posting any defamatory messages to either in print/electronic/social media

  • Impersonate any person or entity, falsely claim an affiliation with any person or entity, or access the Accounts of others without permission, forge/fabricate another persons’ digital signature, misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the website, perform any other similar fraudulent activity or otherwise send or receive what SORTED reasonably believes to be potentially fraudulent information

  • Infringe SORTED or any third party’s intellectual property rights, rights of publicity or rights of privacy

  • Use any robot, spider, other automatic devices, or manual process to monitor or copy the website without prior written permission

  • Use any device, software or routine to bypass website exclusion headers, or interfere or attempt to interfere, with the website

  • Remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the website or features that enforce limitations on the use of the website

  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the website or any part thereof

  • Use the website in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair it, including but not limited to using website in an automated manner

  • Intentionally interfere with or damage operation of the website or any user’s enjoyment of them, by any means, including but not limited to uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code

  • This Site and disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with all applicable laws of India. All disputes arising out of or relating to this disclaimer or use of this website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts where the registered office of SORTED is situated

  • By accessing this Website and any of its webpages, it is deemed that you are agreeing to the terms set above