

Google Analytics 4 Masterclass

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Learn from the industry experts and marketers on how to use Google Analytics to grow your business If you want to learn and ace the world of Google Analytics in an absolute “No-Faff” manner and focus only on platforms and metrics that matter then this course is the right match for you!


Offer Ends This Sunday
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Workshop Content

Why Google Analytics is a must for every business?

How to setup GA 4?

How to read all the GA4 reports to take business decisions?

How to setup and read GA 4 events?

Metrics that matter for new user acquisition – GA4

Metrics that matter to understand returning users behavior – GA4

Understand what your audience browses outside your website

Learn to take calls on CLTV and efficient marketing channels

Walkthrough of all the reporting sections of GA – Real-time, Audience, Behaviour, Acquisition, Conversion, and more reports on both GA4.

Learn the custom reports you can create on GA4

Understand user journey and drop-offs for efficient retargeting campaigns

Attribution modeling in GA4

Future of analytics with GA4 and how is it different from GA3

Is GA4 ready for commercialization?

How to use app analytics with GA4

Why Should You Take
This Masterclass?

Learn from the expert who has scaled multiple brands using analytics insights from GA4.

The coach has created case-studies that are globally recognized by Facebook and Google.

Self-paced learning course with practical learning experience.

A No-Faff learning experience. Practical case-studies, decoding the logic and real-time workshops

End-to-end dashboard training of Google Analytics

Certified course

Tools & Platforms You’ll Master


Offer Ends This Sunday



Apurv Singh

Apurv Singh

E-commerce Marketing – Future Group Ex – Times Internet

Brands we’ve SORTED


Industry Recognized Certification from SORTED

By the end of this course, you will be able an expert in Performance Marketing apply the fundamentals for your brand and business. You will also receive a certificate of completion from SORTED, and be recognized by top digital marketing agencies and brands.